jueves, 18 de agosto de 2011

How did it start?

Nowadays the Cirque du Soleil is recognized because the spectacular show they present, this circus shows a mix between circus arts, theater, original music, special effects, visual vanguards, among other things; it is important to mention that Cirque du Soleil does not give animals acts, as the majority of the circus does.

This famous circus was founded in 1984 in Quebec which in French means “Circus of the Sun” (cirquedusoleil.com) at first called “High Heels Club” in the 1980´s as a entertainment group that set up a festival, there the artists could changed ideas between them about the circus tradition; Through the years, this circus become more and more famous because the unique show they give. The Cirque du Soleil develops its programs in Montereal studio, and by now it has a permanent show in Las Vegas and Disney World in Florida, but principal it is famous because it travels around, the world since America to Asia, and employs actors, artists, acrobats, musicians from any nation.

The Cirque du Soleil has a lot of show in which we can appreciate the level of creativity, on of them is “OVO” which it is touring in USA, Canada and Mexico this show introduce you “into a colorful ecosystem teeming with life” (cirquedusoleil.com). Because the artists play with the insect´s home, a world filled of energy and movement; with this performance we can appreciate the insect work, eat, play and fight for love, since the mysterious egg appears at the beginning of the act, through the enigma they feel about this object until the end of the day. They make a unique performance of something we do not even thing it could be possible. 

Here you can see a quick overview of this spectacular show: http://www.cirquedusoleil.com/en/home.aspx#/en/home/shows/details/ovo.aspx

292 words


3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I REALLY love Cirque du Soleil. It’s really amazing how creative they are! They have plenty of shows and it’s never boring. I’ve never went to any show but I’ve watch them on TV. Just imagine! Watching them on TV I think they are amazing. I bet the experience of watching them live is really good and worth it.
    I love the way they dress, put on make-up and the stories they tell in every show. The success they have is really huge and I think they really deserve it. As you mentioned on your post, it’s really amazing how they do things we didn’t know they were possible and the emotions we feel while watching their performances it’s unique.
    Also, I think it’s a really good circus because it’s the only one that doesn’t perform with animals. Most of the circuses have a bad reputation because they treat their animals in a bad way: hurting them, not feeding them, leaving them in small cages, and more. On the other hand, this circus doesn’t need animals in order to be attractive to the people.
    The combination of music, dance, gymnastics, and comedy they make is… unique. I’m looking forward to follow your blog because I found it really interesting and I hope you keep on posting things like this. I would really recommend you to post some of their performances. The ones you consider are the most amazing. That would be great and really entertaining!
